domingo, 11 de maio de 2014

Os Mais...

    A revista Glamour, não faz muito tempo listou os 100 mais galãs do mundo, sendo 40 deles, da área cinematográfica. Bem, aumentamos um pouqinho essa última lista... Porque a mãe, a filha e, a quem mais possa interessar... Merecem!


Alex O' Loughlin (serie Five Hawaii 5.0)
Alex Pettyfer
Alexander Skarsgard

Antonio Banderas

Ashton Kucher


Bailey Chase (serie Longimire)

Ben Afleck

Benedict Cumberbatch
Boris Kodjoe

Brad Pitt

Bradley Cooper


Channing Tatum

Chris Hemswoorth

Chris Evans

Christian Bale

Christopher Meloni (ex- serie Law e Order SVU)

Collin O' Donoghue (serie Once upon a Time)

Collin Farrell
Damian Lewis

Daniel Craig

David Giuntoli (serie Grimm)

Denzel Washington

Gael Garcia Bernal

Gary Dorman (ex serie CSI)

Garret Hethdlund

George Cloney

Gerard Butler

Harrison Ford

Henry  Cavill

Hugh Jackman


Ian Somerhalder (serie Vampaire Diares) 

Idris  Elba


Jake Gyllennhaal

James Franco

James Mc Avoy

James Purefoy

Jared Leto

Jared Padaleck (serie Supernatural)

Jason Momoa (ex serie Games of Thrones)
Jesse Spencer (serie Chicago Fire)
Javier Bardem
Jay Ryan (serie Beauty and the Beast

Jesen Ackles (serie Supernatural)

Jeremy Renner

Jim Caviezel

Jonny Deep

Joseph Gordon Levitt

Josh Dallas (serie Once upon a Time)

Josh Duhamel

Josh Holloway (ex serie Lost) 

Josh Hutckson

Justin Timberlake

Kellan Lutz

Kit Harrigton (serie Games of Thrones)

Leonardo di Caprio

Liam Cunnigham (serie Games of Thrones)

Liam Hemsworth

Liev Schrever

Logan Lerman

Mark Rufallo

Matt Boomer (serie White Collar)

Matt Dallas

Matthew Goode

Matthew Mc Fayden

Matthew Mc Conaughey

Michael Fassbender

Michiel Huisman (serie Games of thrones)


Nikolaj Coster Waldau (serie  Game of Thrones)


Orlando Bloom
Patrick Dempsey

Paul Rudd

Pierce Brosnan

Raul Esparza (serie Law  Order SVU)
Ray Stevenson (ex serie Roma)

Richard Gere

Richard Madden (ex serie Game of Thrones)

Robert Pattison

Robert Downey Jr

Russel Crowe

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Reynolds


Sam Worthinston

Shaw Roberts

Sherma Moore (serie Criminal Minds)

Simon Baker (serie The Mentalist)

Stephen Amell (serie Arrow)


Taylor Kinney (serie Chicago Fire)

Taylor Lutner

Terence Howard

Theo James

Tom Cruise

Tom Hard

Tom Hiddleston

Top Taylor

Viggo Mortensen

Will Smith

Zac Afron

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